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Li-peptide le liprotheine li sebelisoa haholo ho phekola mafu a fapaneng, empa hangata li tlameha ho entoa 'me phello ea tsona ke ea nakoana. Mefokolo ena ea meaho ea matsoalloa e ka felisoa ka thuso ea boenjiniere ba limolek'hule, empa ona ke mosebetsi o boima. Mekhoa ea boenjiniere ea limolek'hule, eo qalong e neng e sebelisoa ho insulin, 'me hona joale e sebelisoa ka katleho ho li-biopharmaceuticals tse' maloa, e hloka hore ho ntšuoa li-peptide le liprotheine tse tsoang ho mafura a acid. Litšobotsi tse ikhethileng le sebaka sa li-acid tse kentsoeng li ka fana ka mekhoa e fapaneng ea ho lelefatsa. Ho phaella moo, theknoloji ena e ka fana ka nako e telele ea halofo ea bophelo ka mor'a tsamaiso ea molomo ea lithethefatsi tsa peptide, e ka fetola kabo ea li-peptide, 'me e ka ba le monyetla oa ho lebisa tlhokomelo ea lisele. Ka polokeho ea tlhaho ea li-acid tse mafura le thepa ea lik'hemik'hale e hlalositsoeng hantle, theknoloji ena e fana ka mokhoa o fapaneng oa ho sibolla lithethefatsi tsa peptide le protheine.
Litheko tsohle ke nete. VAT e tla eketsoa hamorao ha o lefa. Lipalo tsa lekhetho li tla etsoa ha u lefa.
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