Desmopressin acetate for injection
1ml:4μg / 1ml:15μg Strength Indication: INDICATIONS AND USAGE Hemophilia A: Desmopress in Acetate Injection 4 mcg/mL is indicated for patients with hemophilia A with factor VIII coagulant activity levels greater than 5%. Desmopress in acetate injection will often maintain hemostasis in patients with hemophilia A during surgical procedures and postoperatively when administered 30 minutes prior to scheduled procedure. Desmopress in acetate injection will also stop bleeding in hemophilia A pat... -
Telipressin acetate for injection
Terlipressin Acetate for injection 1mg/vial Strength Indication: For the treatment of esophageal variceal bleeding. Clinical application: intravenous injection. Terlipress in acetate EVER Pharma 0.2 mg/ml solution for injection contains the active ingredient terlipress in, which is a synthetic pituitary hormone (this hormone is usually produced by the pituitary gland found in the brain). It will be given to you by injection into a vein. Terlipress in acetate EVER Pharma 0.2 mg/ml so... -
Bivalirudin for injection
Bivalirudin for injection 250mg/vial Strength Indication: Bivalirudin is indicated for use as an anticoagulant in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Clinical application:It is usedfor intravenous injection and intravenous drip. INDICATIONS AND USAGE 1.1 Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) Bivalirudin for Injection is indicated for use as an anticoagulant in patients with unstable angina undergoing percutaneous transluminal coronary angiopla...